Saturday, January 19, 2008


Long time ago, I started my journey with TCS. ILP at Coimbatore was different.The energy, the passion and the anthem, "hum honge kamyaab" have since then become the defining piece of my personality. And add to that the flavour of the empathy and compassion that we shared made it a perfect melody and an experience of lifetime.
The better was yet to come. Landed at Kolkata and got into one of the most royal accommodation available. Kolkata started with a sweetness at CCD which never died.
First year at Kolkata was just one word, ‘fun’. Whether it was the numerous Birthday parties and Marriage parties and “for nothing” parties or the fun at the 7 storey building, each moment used to surprise me and ask what better you could have asked for. Add to that all the movies at City center and I defined what is fun.
Was that the best? No, like my name, my life was just getting better with time! My second year gave me everything I could have asked for. From the teammates who will easily be there in my best friends’ list to a manager who was a great mentor capable of extracting the best out of me, from the ever dynamic City centre to James tea shop, from long walks in the sun to VP to the long nights with my desktop in my air-conditioned room. Everything worked in my favour. And I busted all the myths which haunted the sector5.
Today I have got what all I could have asked for in my three years of stay at Kolkata. The tight knit friend circle. The Bengali. The cricket. The Thursday movies. The Java. The bench (;-)). The long sleeps. I could not have written a story so full of single emotion and still so enjoyable and memorable.
Very deservingly, I have completed the full circle with my last assignment which was the ILP. If there was any stone unturned, I got the chance to see under them and study myself. Like a rear-view mirror, it helped me to go ahead in the right direction while correcting myself with the mistakes I had made behind.
These three years have taught me the essence of ‘life’ and how to enjoy it. It has taught me how to be a professional and a person and enjoy both the roles simultaneously.
The foundation has been set. And my fortune has made sure that it is as solid as it can be.

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